Sunday, 25 October 2020

Halloween 2020


Halloween will look different this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Let's make it safe but keep it fun too by watching this video of our language assistant Katie.



Friday, 6 March 2020




Resultado de imagen de bus niños
Salida del IES Los Pedroches: 30/03/2020 a las 07:00 horas

Salida de Marbella: 03/04/2020 a las 15.00 horas


El horario de llamadas será de 20:30 a las 21:00 horas. LK recogerá los móviles hasta su uso.


- Tarjeta sanitaria

 - 2 toallas

- Escarpines

- 2 bañadores

- Camisetas

- Ropa deportiva

- Calzado cómodo (evitar zapatos)

- Chanclas

- Linterna

- Chubasquero

- Mochila pequeña

- Medicación necesaria para cada caso


Gastos personales/gastos que se ocasionen a la organización y vengan motivados por un mal  comportamiento por parte de los alumnos/as.

Para más información visita la página WWW.LKIDIOMAS.COM/MMPE (la contraseña fue proporcionada en la reunión) 




Monday, 2 March 2020


Are you proud of your town? 

We are of ours


A group of 1ºESO has worked hard on a project to make this video promoting their hometown.

They have also made some brochures with interesting information to know more about their town. 

Click here to watch the video

These are the brochures made by students




Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Dirigido a los alumnos de 1º y 2º ESO. Os esperamos en el Salón de Actos  "Don Antonio Navarro" en la segunda reunión sobre el campamento de inmersión lingüística. Rogamos puntualidad.


The winning box
What happens to a box after you drop it off at DHL? Where does it go? How do millions of packages being shipped across the world arrive at their destination in only a few days or weeks? These are the questions we attempted to answer the past semester with second and third ESO in the tech lessons. After giving a presentation explaining how packages are sorted and moved through each shipping facility, students were challenged to create a box with items that represented Spain. They were also tasked with writing a letter to explain the project and why each item represented Spain. The group of students with the best box and letter would have their box shipped to the United States (my parent’s home) to further demonstrate the process. Three beautiful boxes were submitted, and it was very difficult to choose which one deserved to go to the U.S. In the end, we chose a simpler box because of its elegance and representation of the key elements of Spanish culture.

The letter included in the winning box

Patricia, Silvia, Margarita y Ángela with their box

Katie's parents: Chuck and Niton upon receiving the box at their home in Louisville, Kentucky

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

2020 GOALS

We have just started a fresh new year, dreaming big and setting new goals to achieve fore the next twelve months. But all this is much more meaningful when we look back at the good memories and time spent together in the previous year. We cannot forget our oversea experience in Torbay!. Click here and read how Ana Ranchal lived her time there with her English family and friends.

Our New Year Resolution is to keep on planning and carrying out exciting activities to mke your English be more and more fluent.